While dental implants have a very high degree of success, there are some complications that patients should know about before deciding on the dental implant course. Fortunately, many of the complications listed below can be averted using the latest technology of Cone Beam CT imaging.
Dental implants require sufficient bone for their placement. However, sometimes vital sturctures such as nerves can be in the way. In the lower jaw, a very important nerve runs through the bottom part of the jaw. The surgeon must carefully stay away from this nerve or risk numbness for the patient. Utilizing a Cone Beam CT scan, the precise position of this nerve can be determined and the proper length implant placed. The CT scan can also accurately show the width of the bone, something a two dimensional x-ray simply cannot do.
In the upper jaw, the maxillary sinus sometimes can limit the amount of bone in the back part of the jaw. Again, accurate imaging can provide vital information to the surgeon for the length and position of a dental implant, averting serious complications.
Though complications are an inherent risk of all surgical procedures, proper planning with available technology can minimize these risks.